Annoter un document PDF avec PDF CONNOISSEUR

Annoter un document PDF avec PDF CONNOISSEUR

Qu’est-ce ? 

PDF Connoisseur est une application qui permet d’annoter et de modifier des fichiers PDF.

Exemple d’utilisation :

M., âgée de 9 ans, présente un déficit moteur. L’utilisation des outils d’écriture est compliquée et un iPad est donc utilisé en classe. L’application PDF Connoisseur permet à M. d’annoter et de modifier ses devoirs avec des gestes simples.

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Faciliter la lecture sur internet grâce au BOUTON LECTEUR

Faciliter la lecture sur internet grâce au BOUTON LECTEUR

Qu’est-ce que le BOUTON LECTEUR :

Lorsque vous êtes avec votre appareil tactile Samsung sur la page d’un article du navigateur intégré “Internet“, une touche « Bouton Lecteur » apparait à gauche dans la barre d’adresses.

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Les barrettes braille compatibles iOS

Les barrettes braille compatibles iOS

Qu’est-ce qu’une barrette braille ?

Les barrettes braille ou plages braille sont des dispositifs qui permettent aux non-voyants de naviguer et de lire les textes de leurs ordinateurs, mais aussi de leurs tablettes et de leurs smartphones grâce à une réglette qui fait ressortir de petites pointes en plastique reprenant les différents caractères braille.

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Piloter votre plage tactile avec le BLUE2 SWITCH

Piloter votre tablette avec le double contacteur Blue2Switch

Qu’est-ce que le Blue 2 Switch :

Il s’agit d’un double contacteur Bluetooth qui permet avec l’aide du parentérale « contrôle de sélection (vous trouverez une autre fiche qui traite de ce sujet) de contrôler une tablette ou un smartphone sans toucher ce dernier.

Exemple : 

Suite à un accident, Luc n’a plus de précision dans ses mouvements de main, avec le contacteur Blue2Switch et le paramétrage « contrôle de sélection » de son iPhone, il pourra en tapant sur ses contacteurs, envoyer ses SMS et donner ses appels.

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Set Up Your iPhone 5 or newer with “LiNX” Hearing Aids by ReSound

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Set Up Your iPhone 5 or newer with “LiNX” Hearing Aids by ReSound


The “hearing aid” option in the iPhone accessibility settings allows you to modify the acoustic settings of the phone and guaranteies a better compatibility with hearing aids operating in telecoil mode with inductive coupling.

This is the case for hearing aids by ReSound, which recently came out into the market (May 2014) with the LiNX model “made for iPhone.”

These devices allow a direct connection, without any third-party tools, between your hearing device and the smartphone or tablet through the “hearing aid” setting that you can find in the “accessibility settings.”

ReSound also has their own downloadable proprietary application on the App Store for free. It is called ReSound Smart. It contains additional settings such as: low/high adjustments and geolocation, which is practical for finding your devices.

Concrete Example:

Aline, who has suffereds from a loss of hearing for many years, was just hired. During her first meeting, she wanted to adjust the volume of her hearing aid. Before, she would have had to modify it manually on the device itself, which would reveal to others that she had an auditory impairment. Today, Aline is equipped with LiNX hearing aids, which allows her to precisely modify her hearing aids through her iPhone discretely.

How to Access Auditory Accessibility Settings

Settings/General/Accessibility/Hearing Aids

Apple collaborates with the best manufacturers to present hearing aids “made for iPhone” that are energy-efficient, which benefits high quality digital audio. These are detected by the iPhone exclusively without needing any additional devices.

In theory, hearing devices “made for iPhone” can provide two useful functions:

  • Wireless connection between hearing devices and smartphones.
  • iPhone accessibility for hearing aid settings. (Use your iPhone to access and adjust the hearing settings.)

iPad and iPod also possess “hearing aid” options which only allows the detection of devices “made for iPhone.”

Zooming the interface with Magnification

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Zooming the interface with Magnification

What is Magnification

It is an option that allows you to magnify the screen of any application. It does not work on the keyboard.

Magnification is available since Android version 4.2.

How to access it

  Application/Settings/My Device/Accessibility/Magnification Gestures

How to use it

Once the option is activated, you can magnify by tapping three times with one finger on the screen, then return to the normal size by doing the same thing.

When you are zoomed in, you can adjust the magnification by pinching two fingers on the screen and spread them apart or bring them together.

If you touch the screen three times with one finger but keep the finger on the screen the third time, you can navigate the application by sliding your finger on the screen. Once you lift the finger, the screen zooms out.

How to Use Guided Access

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How to Use Guided Access

What is the Guided Access?

The “Guided Access” feature keeps the iPad, iPod, or iPhone on a specific application. It also allows you to control and limit features by making them inaccessible.

Activate Guided Access

Settings/General/Accessibility/Guided Access

After activating the feature, input a code to allow the deactivation of the feature.
Next, open an application of your choice and press the Home button (physical button) of your device three times. Select “Guided Access.”

Since iOS 8, the Guided Access feature has a new menu.

This menu features some new functions, such as blocking or unblocking the virtual keyboard and the time limitation option that can be set up in order to stop the device after a desired period of time.

The touch ID function that can be found on iPhone 5s and newer Apple devices allows you to secure your iPhone with the help of the fingerprint scanner which can be found on the “Home” button. This now allows you to deactivate the guided access feature.
If you happen to let someone borrow your device, the application will stay blocked until YOU decide to deactivate the blockage by touching the “Home” button with YOUR finger.

Facilitate the reading of documents, books and web articles with VOICE DREAM

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Facilitate the reading of documents, books and web articles with VOICE DREAM

What Is It?

Voice Dream Reader allows users control the reading of all types of documents (web pages, PDF files, Daisy, DOCX, DRM-free e-books, etc.) so that it can be read by voice or displayed without formatting and pop-up ads. All you need to do is download the web article, book or instruction manual, and start the reading with the application; it is that simple.

The application does not use the voices from your device, but instead a large amount of pleasant voice choices of high quality provided by Acapela or NeoSpeech, which makes the reading enjoyable to the ear.

VoiceDream € 9.99 and add additional voices for € 2.99 to € 4.99 for the French voices.

Voice Dream provides a pronunciation dictionary that allows you to modify the way the voice synthesis pronounces certain words, like first names or unfamiliar towns which are often misread by voice synthesis. Afterward, each modification is documented during the reading. For a story with complicated names, this brings great listening comfort.


  • Possibility of reading multiple articles one after the other.
  • Possibility of programming a reading time.
    (Putting the application on sleep mode to let you sleep.)
  • Possibility of putting bookmarks.
  • Possibility of translating text.
  • Voice settings and text appearances are comprehensive and practical.
  • Allows you to search for a word in a downloaded text file.

There is a free trial version of the application. However, the reading stops after a few sentences, so you have to tap on the reading icon to continue the reading each time.

Connected Hearing Aids

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Connected Hearing Aids

Since the arrival of iOS 7, Apple provides a control panel that allows you to interact direction with hearing aids labeled “Made for iPhone” in their accessibility settings.

Thanks to this control panel, the person can interact with the volume and on the sound reception, see the remaining battery power, etc. through your smartphone without removing their hearing aid.

Many hearing aid manufacturers have created their own applications that personalize the settings of their hearing devices. These can be used independently from Apple’s control panel menu.

Image: A picture of two menu screens from the TruLink application.

The TruLink application is made by the manufacturer StarKey, which is also comprised of the American brands: Audibel, Audigy Micro-tech, NuEar, and StarKey.

The manufacturer ReSound also has an application dedicated for their LiNX devices.

They are classified into two groups: those that connect through a third-party tool, and those that connect directly. The Bluetooth technology used here is the “Bluetooth LE” (also known as 4.0 or Smart) for Low Energy. It is supposed to be safe for your health while allowing you to save the battery power of your hearing aids. Meanwhile, those that connect through a third-party tool like a “phone clip” use 2.4 GHz wave signals.

Communication by Alphanumerical Keyboard with SPEAK IT

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Communication by Alphanumerical Keyboard with SPEAK IT


Before reading this document, we recommend that you consult the general document on communication apps.  This document highlights only what seems interesting and different from other applications.

What is Speak It

The application is simple, not very intuitive, and limited – but is sold for a good price (1.79 EUR).
Simple because it is refined.
Not intuitive because the button icons are not clear.
Limited because there is very little configuration possible compared to other communication applications with an alphabetic keyboard.
Good price compared to its competitors (which can go up to 109.99 EUR for some).

Our Advice

This application may not be the best in its category, but its low price makes it worth discussing and gives users an impression of what communication applications by alphabetic keyboard are like. For certain people, it is probably sufficient.